***2023/11/03 Updates, none for main frame, but many addons, more may come but out of filament. Documentation will be made soon…. So today just new pictures and modules..
**2022-12-05 Made some updates, larger parts with compression bolts to keep layers compressed.
Now that I’m painting again with shaking hands and unbalanced sitting and standing. I realized I needed an Easel that can…
• Have a fixed but easily moved bar over the painting that I can rest my hands on without touching the wet painting.
• Also need an Easel that could hold me up or support my weight when I lose balance or need support to stay up.
• A shelf under paintings for stuff.
• A flexible stand on the left for reference or tablets/screens. (Right now thinking of just using a monitor arm for this)
• On the right side 2 glass pallets, A long strip on top for raw out-of-the-tube paint with tubes stacked above 300mm x 100mm. Then below this a 2nd glass pallet for mixing and using 300mm x 300mm or larger.
• Hacking up 2 cool/warm adjustable LED lights to attach to the top of the frame with their adjustable arms. The one on the left has a magnifying lens with it so I can see details of the reference materials. The 2nd one will be over the mixing pallets.
• Adjustable angle for canvas mount, which can be vertical or facing up or down.
• Able to rotate painting as I’m painting to get different angles while painting, (upside down, on the side, etc..)
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