One of my favorite building techniques for building homes is the classic log cabins. In an attempt to make a log cabin out of LEGO I worked out these designs. Maybe someday LEGO will make a log cabin set. But until then I will give my best instructions for building with log cabin techniques. The secret for building these are the under floors. I have Technic bricks with 4 bricks between each Technic brick.
The bricks between the Technic will be 2 studs shorter per side as related to the Technic bricks. From each end of the Technic brick, we add 1x2 or 1x4 log. These are the bricks each side of the log cabin will attach to but at a 90-degree angle. Place Technic pins in the locations that will line up with the top layer for the floors. Depending on the design you can set up each of the log cabins walls. Then you make another module for the other 2 sides, and this will have the plates added to the Technic bricks with half pins for the floor.
Once you have 2 modules done you can place them together with Technic pins on the Technic beams. The floor can be built then dropped into the design. Attach floor to the pins on the floor.
Once all the walls are in place you can secure the tops of the walls together.
The design for the roof should be made as another module. To be placed on the walls and able to be easily removed for access of the inside of the cabin.
I then create a sub-basement to hold the Technic beams under the floor and hid them from the outside of the display.
Once in place, I will be making these designs available soon with instructions from this picture.
And that’s how to build LEGO log cabins.
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