Used Sketchup to make some videos of my designs and made some stop motions of my artwork.
I have linked the pages that have videos now and listed all videos in this post.
Recently going through some of my artwork from middle and high school before I went to CCAD.
Just a quick post to get these online while I have a chance.
Current working study for my future space travel. This post is for the updated habitable module that would occupy one of the junction’s points from the ship.
I have given much thought on how to explain my vision of this design, and I cannot think of the words, so you will just have to take a look.
Working on a new version of my Cityscapper ver T5, Only have a few pics for T5 version along with the updated inner core.
Also posted pics that I made from the T4 version that I did not post while working on it.
So I have been expanding on my multifamily dome design idea. I went a bit bigger. Each unit now has its own 3-floor dome.
This started with the idea to make a building the shape of a flower and roots.
So I have given some more thought about the very extended time these space ships would have to last. I’m sure they could avoid most impacts. But smaller very dense objects with a combined speed would require too much for protection.
So I had a few days without internet and had some time to play with my LEGO. Decided to try to make a LEGO model of my Space colonizer ship Idea.
This is my solution for elevators and more for my City in a Building idea. My thought on the whole idea is a layered ring of protection for all services. With their own power, life support and everything else they would need if the surrounding building was undergoing major damage. And the elevators still ran.
One of my joys is sailing in the open water and witnessing nature’s storms in person. Two things that should not mix together. But what if you could build a sailing ship designed to ride hurricanes?
This design is for a 220+ floor City in a Building, capable of housing and working up to a half-million people.