Sunday, November 12, 2017
Bfull 130 s02 from Generational Habitable Module GallaghersArt_bfull_130_s02.jpg - Outer layers of Habitable Module.

This is the larger Habitable module meant for basically continuous Space travel.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Sail b062 s16 from Eye Hunter GallaghersArt_sail_b062_s16.jpg

Been working on this a long time, still not exactly the way I want it. Wrong sail masts along with missing fins and motors.

The idea is a tank of a boat that is meant to sail into hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones eyes, then back in over and over.

Please note it is mostly wireframe right now as I’m still working out the final shape, but I wanted to share with you what I have so far.

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Thursday, April 20, 2017
Movable 021 s03 from Solar Sail Configuration GallaghersArt_movable_021_s03.jpg

Built like Box Kites this configuration could use the solar wind to navigate.
Space travel for this configuration is a side item for why I’m talking about this.

I would like to see larger versions and many 100’s of them spread out between the Earth and our Sun.

They would use the solar wind to stay in an area to deflect solar partials and light away from Earth and would result in changing the impact the Sun has on Earth.

During high impact solar disturbances, the ship would rotate in a way to give the least drag and impact area while rolling back in the sails.

Could be maned or not. Could be fuel depots for other ships, mainly a sunshade for Earth.

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Saturday, February 04, 2017
Wsrg 013 s22 4k from Bunch of Skyscrapers GallaghersArt_wsrg_013_s22_4k.jpg

Realized I never posted any of these. Even though I started posting the videos of them on YouTube with no sound.
Just a bunch of skyscraper studies of my designs

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Dsc02148sm from Legaroo GallaghersArt_dsc02148sm.jpg - While at home I clip it to a stand next to my chair

Kangaroo mini PC meets transformable LEGO case.

While in storage or in use the LEGO case can hold 1 kangaroo, 1 HGST portable HDD, 1x custom portable HDD case.

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Updated Monday, May 23, 2016
Posted Saturday, May 21, 2016
Container 09 024 s06 05 from Basic Space Hub Structure GallaghersArt_container_09_024_s06_05.jpg - 8 containers linked together to create a single junction hub. With additional areas built using cone structures as main support for expanded hub.

Basic Hub Structure that uses the ships cone structure as part of the final system.

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Thursday, April 07, 2016
Gallaghersartvideos-2 from Now with Videos! GallaghersArt_gallaghersartvideos-2.jpg

Used Sketchup to make some videos of my designs and made some stop motions of my artwork.

I have linked the pages that have videos now and listed all videos in this post.

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Monday, October 26, 2015
Dsc02557 from Pre-College Artwork GallaghersArt_dsc02557.jpg - Pencil Summer 1988 before High School.

Recently going through some of my artwork from middle and high school before I went to CCAD.

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Monday, October 26, 2015
Middle 07 plus-8 s20c from Space Launch Pod GallaghersArt_middle_07_plus-8_s20c.jpg

Just a quick post to get these online while I have a chance.

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Friday, August 14, 2015
Hub18 63 05 02 from Updated Space Habitable Module GallaghersArt_hub18_63_05_02.jpg - Area surrounding the habitable area with a full layer of containers removed, showing custom junction point assembled in space. Round white areas are layers of protection for inner areas.

Current working study for my future space travel. This post is for the updated habitable module that would occupy one of the junction’s points from the ship.

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Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Podome8 27 11 from po Dome GallaghersArt_podome8_27_11.jpg - View of front entrance

I have given much thought on how to explain my vision of this design, and I cannot think of the words, so you will just have to take a look.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
T5 ring mod 11 above from New Version of my Cityscraper GallaghersArt_t5_ring_mod_11_above.jpg - New Version T5

Working on a new version of my Cityscapper ver T5, Only have a few pics for T5 version along with the updated inner core.

Also posted pics that I made from the T4 version that I did not post while working on it.

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Sunday, April 27, 2014
Four three 19 02 from Large Multifamily Dome GallaghersArt_four_three_19_02.jpg

So I have been expanding on my multifamily dome design idea. I went a bit bigger. Each unit now has its own 3-floor dome.

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