What started as a study in MLcad and Pov-Ray has evolved into some very interested renders. What I mean in renders is I create a scene as a photographer would in the studio but with in a CAD version made for creating LEGO models in the digital world. I then take these virtual models and choose the light and camera specs, just as a photographer would do. But I can….
Working on my newest MOC currently and I had to demolish my Triple arched Bridge for the parts needed. That was a sad day, but the bridge will be reborn as an even better MOC…..
Well, I had this done to this point for all most a year and figured I should post it anyway even in an unfinished state. I will have a total of 5 big trees (only 3 are done now and those need correct colored trunks). The other 2 are just the bottom trunks and shafts for the trees….
Yesterday RailBricks magazine released its latest edition to the public. And you will find an article written by myself with in the covers…
One of my favorite building techniques for building homes is the classic log cabins.
In an attempt to make a log cabin out of LEGO I worked out these designs.