
Multi Hull Tall Ship Idea

Thursday, February 07, 2013

 from Multi Hull Tall Ship Idea GallaghersArt_sail_10fe_sm.jpg - At rest

One of my joys is sailing in the open water and witnessing nature’s storms in person. Two things that should not mix together. But what if you could build a sailing ship designed to ride hurricanes?

This is my first attempt of making my Super Tall Ship design. This was a quick CAD design, and the hulls are far from the way I would like them to be. Not to mention I have very little fluid and displacement knowledge. Hopefully, I will find time to make a better design and finish it.

So the basic idea is to have slender but long hulls, which go far below the normal depth for boats. Personally, they need to operate more like airplane wings than buoyancy devices. And once the ship has gained some speed the ship will rise higher above the water.

The 2 outer Hulls will be at angles away from the center main hulls, and also deeper than the center hulls. This would be a boat that would be too big for any current or future canals. Also, the depth of the boat hulls would make it unable to visit most ports. So far my guesstimate would also make the ship unable to travel under any bridge

The center 2 hulls would be more like a round hollow tube. With water passing through the center. Hydraulic controlled surface panels and keel would steer the ship along with supplying lift once in motion. Along with various fins and wings that can be stowed until needed.

Basically, I want to spread the load out as far as possible and limit total displacement pressure by making the hulls very thin but long. Two items I took from natures own perfection, “Water Striders spread the weight over a large area”, and the “Sailfish’s long and thin body”

I have more to add to my madness and there is a reason I have no rear pictures of the boat, there is no rear to the boat yet. The masts are all wrong and missing sails. Blue lines are windows for each floor. The ship is meant to be able to slice through waves, so everything below the sails would need to be watertight and a smooth surface.

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 from Multi Hull Tall Ship Idea sail_10fe_sm.jpg - At rest
At rest
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 from Multi Hull Tall Ship Idea sail_10m_sm.jpg - From above
From above
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At Water Level from Multi Hull Tall Ship Idea sail_10o_sm.jpg - At Water Level
At Water Level
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Below Water Line from Multi Hull Tall Ship Idea sail_10e_sm.jpg - Below Water Line
Below Water Line
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Maximum Tilt from Multi Hull Tall Ship Idea sail_10h_sm.jpg - Maximum Tilt
Maximum Tilt
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