
MOC in Progress Spring 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

 from MOC in Progress Spring 2009 GallaghersArt_DSC02984.jpg

Working on my newest MOC currently and I had to demolish my Triple arched Bridge for the parts needed. That was a sad day, but the bridge will be reborn as an even better MOC.

This is going to be a big model. I have made them before; in fact, it was my first MOC I showed publicly. I have picked an exact production unit as the bases for this MOC, so this MOC will be as closely exact to the real thing.

Some teaser pictures
My beta base, I now know I will need a base 3 times as deep and almost 2x the widths.

Don’t know what’s this is for but it must be something from space.

Here are the goods, works like a champ. Many eureka moments and many days worth of work. Lost track of how many version it took to find these combinations.

So now I know for sure I can do this and it will work, I did all the measurements to see just how big this will be….. Guess you will just have to wait and see once I’m done. I could use some exact to-scale drawings but as of today, I have been unable to find any info. So, for now, I will just use pictures and scale the unit myself.



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