

Thursday, July 31, 2008

 from Legal GallaghersArt_ga_logo_6_blk2_213x200.jpg - Logo

All content and code belongs to Mike Gallagher Copyright 1999-2012 Personal and Non-profit use is ok; anything else needs written permission from Mike Gallagher

All text, images, or trademarks in these websites are the intellectual property of their respective owners. All pictures, text, code is copyright of original maker. All trademarks, service marks, and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group of companies and does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this site.

Permission is granted for other sites (news, blogs, personal site, etc) to display images from my site with links back to my site and credits. All files and downloads must point to my download location. NO permission is given to re-distribute my files or original images on other websites. Just point your users to the page on my site that contains the file or download.

Any commercial site wishing to use my images or files for their paid members or purchase must work out an agreement with Mike Gallagher beforehand.

Basically if your freely spreading the knowledge than use is ok. But if you are making any sort of profit from any or part of my works you must contact me.

This pertains only to my LEGO items and files. My websites design articles and files have their own copyright and legal information.

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